LinkedIn Begins Using User Data to Train AI Before Changing Its Terms of Service

Tech Blog


On Wednesday, several LinkedIn users spotted a new setting revealing that LinkedIn was using their data to enhance its generative AI capabilities. LinkedIn later confirmed to 404 Media that it plans to update its terms of service soon. If users wish to prevent their data from being used for AI training, they will need to opt out twice, though any data already used cannot be undone.

LinkedIn Uses User Data for AI Training Without Prior Notice

If you're a LinkedIn user, your account has likely been included in data used for training AI models. Without explicitly asking for consent, LinkedIn has rolled out new privacy settings that automatically enroll users in this process. This setting was introduced prior to the release of its updated privacy policy, which now states that user data may be used to develop and improve AI models, among other services.

How LinkedIn Plans to Use Your Data

LinkedIn’s updated privacy policy explains that your personal information may be leveraged to improve its products, train AI models, and provide more personalized services. These AI systems aim to make the platform more relevant and helpful to users by using automated processes and inferences to enhance features and services.

How to Opt Out of LinkedIn’s AI Training Program


If you wish to prevent LinkedIn from using your data for AI training, you can easily opt out by visiting the Data Privacy tab in your account settings. Under “Data for Generative AI Improvement,” you’ll find a toggle that allows you to revoke permission by turning it off. However, any data already used for training will remain part of LinkedIn’s AI models.

Privacy and Regional Exceptions to AI Data Use

LinkedIn has stated that opting out will prevent further use of your personal data for AI training, but it won’t undo the use of data already collected. The company also notes that it employs privacy-enhancing technologies to remove or redact personal information from its training datasets. Additionally, users residing in the EU, EEA, or Switzerland are not included in this data collection process.

Other Data Collection Beyond Generative AI

In addition to data used for AI training, LinkedIn continues to collect user information for other machine learning purposes, such as personalization and content moderation. Opting out of generative AI doesn’t prevent your data from being used in these areas. To stop all data processing for such purposes, users need to submit the LinkedIn Data Processing Objection Form.


LinkedIn’s silent opt-in to AI training highlights the growing trend of platforms leveraging user data to improve AI tools, often without explicit consent. While the platform allows users to opt out, it’s important to note that any data already used cannot be undone. With similar moves by other tech giants like Meta, it’s crucial for users to stay informed about how their data is being used and take action if they wish to maintain control over their privacy.

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