Common Words That Make Your Writing Sound Like It’s From AI

Tech Blog


In a world where artificial intelligence is becoming more common in writing, it can be pretty easy to spot when text comes from a machine. AI-generated content, while often useful, can sometimes feel a bit stiff or unnatural. There are some telltale signs that give it away. If you're curious about what to look for, here are a few common words and phrases that tend to show up when AI writes text.

1. Too Many Transition Words

AI systems often rely on transition words to connect ideas, which is fine, but the overuse of certain phrases can make the writing feel robotic. You’ll notice phrases like:

- "In conclusion"
- "Moreover"
- "On the other hand"
- "Furthermore"
- "Additionally"

While humans use these naturally, AI tends to sprinkle them in everywhere. It makes the text feel more like a list than a flowing conversation.

2. Repetitive or Redundant Language

If you start noticing the same phrases repeated over and over, you might be reading AI-generated content. Phrases like:

- "It is important to note..."
- "The reason for this is because..."
- "In order to..."

This kind of repetition is a giveaway that AI is trying to reinforce points without adding much substance.

3. Vague or Generic Words

AI sometimes struggles with being specific. Instead of digging into details, it uses broad terms that don’t tell you much. Watch out for words like:
- "Good"
- "Effective"
- "Very"
- "Important"
- "Many people believe..."

These words might not be wrong, but they don’t add much flavor or nuance to the writing.

4. Overly Formal Tone

A lot of AI-generated writing can sound way too formal, like it’s trying to impress you. It’s not how most people talk in everyday conversations. Phrases like:
- "Thus"
- "Therefore"
- "As previously mentioned"
- "It can be observed that..."

Feel a little stiff, right? A human writer is more likely to use casual, approachable language.

 5. Lack of Specific Examples

Human writers tend to give real-world examples to explain ideas. AI, on the other hand, can be vague. You might see something like:
- "This is common in many industries."
- "For example, businesses often..."

If you notice a lack of concrete details, it could be a sign that a machine wrote the text.

6. Cliché Overload

AI often pulls from a huge database of existing text, which means it relies heavily on clichés. If you see too many overused phrases like:

- "At the end of the day..."
- "A picture is worth a thousand words."
- "Actions speak louder than words..."

It could be a sign the content is AI-generated. Clichés might be easy, but they don’t add much originality.

 7. Neutral to the Point of Boring

AI doesn’t have opinions or emotions, so it tends to avoid taking a strong stance on anything. Instead, it plays it safe with statements like:

- "Some people believe this, while others think that."
- "Both sides have valid points."

It’s so neutral that it can feel like the text is just walking in circles without getting anywhere.

8. Surface-Level Insights

AI can gather information from tons of sources, but it often struggles to provide deep insights or original analysis. Instead, it presents the facts in a way that’s clear, but often shallow. You might read something and think, “Okay, but what’s your point?”

How to Make Your Text Sound More Human

If you’re writing and want to avoid sounding like a robot, there are a few easy tricks:
- Share personal stories or real-life examples.
- Write like you're having a conversation, not giving a lecture.
- Mix up your sentence structures to keep things interesting.
- Add your own opinions and insights to give the text some personality.

By doing these things, you can make sure your writing feels natural and engaging, even if you're using AI to help you out.


AI has made huge strides in writing, but it’s not perfect when it comes to sounding like a real person. The key to spotting AI-generated text lies in its repetitive phrases, formal tone, lack of specificity, and overuse of transitions. While AI can be a powerful tool, adding a human touch requires tweaking the text to feel more conversational, nuanced, and engaging. By paying attention to these common AI pitfalls, you can refine the content to make it more relatable and personal.


1. How can I humanize AI text?

To humanize AI-written text, start by adjusting the tone. Make it more casual and conversational. Add personal stories, specific examples, and opinions to bring in a unique perspective. Vary sentence structure to avoid sounding robotic, and reduce the use of repetitive phrases or formal language that AI tends to overuse.

2.How to make AI write more like a human?

You can prompt AI to write more like a human by giving it clear, detailed instructions. Ask it to use a conversational tone, avoid formal language, and provide specific, relatable examples. After the AI generates the content, edit for flow, replace any overly repetitive phrases, and tweak the tone to make it feel more authentic.

3.How to make ChatGPT text more human?

To make ChatGPT text more human, ask it to use an informal or conversational tone. You can also specify to avoid generic statements and encourage a deeper, more personal take on the subject. Afterward, review the text for naturalness, add in your own insights, and adjust phrases that feel too rigid or repetitive.

4.How do I add a human touch to AI content?

Adding a human touch to AI content involves personalizing it. Inject your own voice, anecdotes, and opinions. Use varied sentence structures to break away from the formulaic patterns AI might create, and be sure to include specific details or examples that ground the content in real-world experiences. Editing is key to making it feel truly human.

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